Meet My Friend Teresa Janzen, Author of Little Mango in A Big World

I wanted to share an amazing resource with you by my friend, Teresa Janzen. It’s a delightful
children’s picture book called Little Mango in a Big World, but it is really so much more than that. It’s a way to talk to kids about tough topics like bullying, child homelessness, discrimination, and more.
The story features a mango named Maggie whose mango tree home suffers a catastrophe so great that she falls from the tree before she is ripe. Creatures in the world bully her, shun her, and judge her based on her circumstances. When a kind man finally gives her the care she needs, she realizes her potential and transforms the community.
Kids from 3 – 100 will love this story. Young ones will delight in the action-packed adventure and
older kids will uncover the message beneath and engage in conversation about social issues in the world today. As an added bonus, a portion of the proceeds of the book benefit ministries serving vulnerable children around the world.
Did I mention that Little Mango in a Big World was named the 2022 Golden Scroll Children’s Book of the Year? Well, it was, and with good reason. Even the illustrations have a message. The art was done by 18-year-old Samuel But Agot of South Sudan. He was raised in a refugee camp and knows firsthand the challenges vulnerable children face.
Little Mango in a Big World is available in premium hardcover, paperback, or Kindle. If you order
from the author’s website, even more money is able to be donated to ministries serving vulnerable children.
or get the Kindle version on Amazon:

I highly recommend this amazing children’s book! Get your copy now!

Blessings Sweet Friends,


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